Wardens of Ouon at Gen Con

At Gen Con this year, I am running three sessions of Fate Acclerated Edition in a setting called Wardens of Ouon. (You can check out the events here, here, and here. At the time of this writing, they are sold out, but you are welcome to come with generic tickets if you're interested.)

In Wardens of Ouon, players take the roles of unicorns in the ancient and magical Forest of Ouon. These Wardens are responsible for keeping the peace between the spirits of the wood and the humans who live on or just inside its borders.

For the games at Gen Con, I'm trying out a few rules for FAE, some I've tried before and some that are brand new. The two rules below involve the Deck of Fate, which I'm using in place of Fate dice. I have two decks, one in red and one in blue. The players will use one deck while I use the other. Whenever a card is drawn with an eclipse symbol (that is, the -4, 0, and +4 cards), that deck is re-shuffled and starts fresh.

Court Bonus

I've tried this rule before in a FAE campaign inspired by magical girl anime called Beautiful Moon Maidens. Here's how I describe it on the Wardens of Ouon character sheet:
Court Bonus: Some of your stunts give you a "Court bonus." You are all members of the Sun Court. Sun Wardens are devoted to honesty, community, and friendly and peaceful dealings with all beings. When you draw a card for an action that gets a Court bonus, the bonus is equal to 1 + the number of sun symbols on the card you draw. If you spend a fate point to draw a different card, you can use the number of sun symbols on either card to determine your Court bonus.
In a full Wardens of Ouon game, it is possible to play a member of the Moon Court. These unicorns favor secrets, individual talent, and overcoming problems through wit and guile. Their Court Bonus counts the number of Moon symbols on the cards they draw.

Horn of Fortune

A unicorn's horn is very magical. Each Warden has a special Horn Aspect that reflects their horn's unique properties. But all unicorn horns are lucky.
Horn Aspects: Your horn can be used to perform magic, and it works like any aspect. It also gives every unicorn a subtle mastery over fortune. At the beginning of the game, you will draw four cards. You keep one secret in front of you. At any time during the game, you can replace any other card drawn with your secret card. (That means your card, another player's card, even the GM's card.) After you've used your secret card, you can spend a fate point to draw a new secret card.
 This rule is new. I'm interested to see how it works out in play.


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